Last Thursday and Friday it was such a pleasure to have Hanna Bogen, educational specialist, onsite for two days to meet with teachers, observe classes and present an informative session for parents. The teachers came away with a multitude of strategies for increasing differentiation in their classrooms and helping students to succeed to their potential. The parent presentation was very well received with many attendees asking if we can schedule another session when Hanna returns in the winter or spring.
The session for parents focused on emotional regulation, supporting the growth of executive functioning and a plan for personal growth through student goal setting (both academic and self-regulatory). Hanna has agreed to share the slides from her presentation and though they are not the same without her exceptional delivery, you will get the main ideas. Click here to view.
Just a reminder that there will be a noon dismissal, tomorrow (Wednesday, Oct. 18th) for an accreditation inservice. We continue to examine data for our self-study and have begun the process of surveying all of our constituents. You will be receiving an e-mail this week with a link to the parent survey. Please complete it at your earliest convenience. It is extremely important that we get your feedback for inclusion in our self-study document.
Our youngest students completed the survey (with the assistance of our middle school students) last week. One question asks students to identify things they like about the school. A first grader wrote, “Everything”. The next question asks, “What do I wish were different at our school? The same student answered, “More everything!”
Martha’s Workers
Yesterday marked the beginning of our annual Martha’s Workers Food Drive. Each year classes are asked to bring industrial size containers of sandwich making items to be used by Martha’s Workers. Each Monday morning throughout the year, parishioners (including some of our middle school students) gather in the Assembly Room of the church to prepare sandwiches to be served to residents of the Family and Adult Service Center in downtown Seattle and they need supplies. The drive ends on October 27th. Let’s fill Martha’s Workers cupboards to sustain them for the year ahead. Click here for a list of items by class.
Great ShakeOut
This Thursday, we will be participating in the Great ShakeOut Earthquake drill, along with 1.1 million other Washingtonians and over 38.5 million people world-wide. We will spend 60 seconds practicing, “Drop, Cover and Hold On” procedures to be used during an earthquake. Each month we practice for earthquakes after our fire drills, but this worldwide event will help reinforce these skills for our students and staff.
Cross Country Champions!
Finally, huge congratulations to our Cross Country team and coaches Coreen Kiefer and Maggie Fields. On Sunday, they were presented with the CYO AA Championship trophy and actually scored more overall points than any other school whether in AAA or AA! Click here to see a list of our winners. Nice job by all!
Have a great week!