Families making community appreciation posters!
January 23, 2024
Dear Families,
Sometimes it is good to just take a breath. Or two or three. And it helps to think about something very good about ourselves. And then roll up our sleeves and do the next right thing. God calls us to get to the good work. We talked about how we sometimes procrastinate out of fear of failure, being unsure or because something is hard. Upon reflection we only need to do our best, reach out for guidance from friends or from God and remind ourselves that we can do hard things. That is our Prayer Assembly intention for the week. We are already busy with challenging learning tasks and the good work needed to get the school ready for our Open House on Sunday! Please plan to come!
Catholic Schools Week & Open House: Next Sunday, January 28, 10am Mass is the start to Catholic Schools Week! Please plan to come and help us celebrate our school. Our Open House will run from 11:30-1:00pm. We have Middle School Ambassadors giving tours, we will have extra donuts at Coffee & Donuts and teachers will be in the classrooms. Students can get a free dress pass if they come to Mass in uniform! Show your pride in your school!
Here is the schedule for the week!
Monday, Jan 29th – Parent Appreciation Day
Tuesday, Jan 30th – Community Appreciation Day
Wednesday, Jan 31st – Parish Appreciation Day
Thursday, Feb 1st – Student Appreciation Day
Friday, Feb 2nd – Grandparents’ and Grandfriends’ Day
EF Parent Bootcamp and staff EF Meeting last week was a huge success as we built our understanding of Goal Directed Persistence. Here are the resources shared! Dig in and learn!
Confirmation Information: This year all parishioners in Junior High are eligible to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation. As you know, your child will need to choose a sponsor for the preparation and celebration of Confirmation. The sponsor must be a fully initiated Catholic in good standing and at least 16 years of age. Please contact Mike Borte for registration information: mikeborte@stanneseattle.org
Dates for your Calendar
- Free Dress on Friday!
- St. Anne School Open House: Sunday, Jan. 28: 11:30am-1:00pm
- Catholic Schools Week: January 28-February 2
- Grandparents/Grandfriends Day Mass: Friday, February 2, 10:30am
- Sunday, Feb. 4: Father/Daughter Dance
- NO SCHOOL Friday Feb. 9: Regional Curriculum Day
Stay Well,