So many friends through the generations at our 100th Anniversary Celebration!
St. Anne School
Celebrating 100 years
Empowering a New Century
Faith, Learning & Service
Dear Families,
At Prayer Assembly yesterday, Ms. Raney built a Jenga tower on the rock solid foundation of the bible as she talked to all of us about how we can strengthen our lives, do good work and make good choices. Our intention this week can be to use our faith as a guide while we are learning, playing and helping each other here at school.
SLE Lunch Winners: To support awareness of our Student Learning Expectations (SLEs), each month we have a drawing for students to receive a pizza lunch with the Principal and Vice Principal. Throughout the month teachers submit a student name for a specific SLE when they observe them doing something that exhibits an SLE quality. Then at our Prayer Assembly, we take all those submissions and draw names. We had our first drawing on Monday! Congratulation to our winners:
- An Active Person of Faith: Kate Howard
- A Life-Long Learner: Charlie Maddalena
- A Globally Aware Person: Tyler Kitsch
- A Well Balanced Person: Victoria Rodrigo Dermody
Executive Function Bootcamp Information: Last Wednesday over 50 parents gathered for the EF Bootcamp on Organization. Please take time to educate yourself on your child’s organizational style and ways to support the growth of this important EF skill for learning success. Here are the links to the slide presentation and handout. On Thursday, both Beth Peterson and Kelly Keim, from Sound Academic Coaching, were in the school working with teachers and students in the classrooms to build their organizational skills and more self regulation skills!
St. Anne School 100th Anniversary Mass & Gala: The whole event was a huge success! We had over 350 parents, former teachers, current teachers, parishioners, friends of St. Anne’s and alumni who graduated in all the decades from 1950 onward! Fr. Colin was joined at Mass with concelebrants Fr. Ryan, Fr. Magnano and Fr. Dalton–graduates of St. Anne School in the 1950’s! This was followed by a gathering in Banchero Hall where pictures of all the graduating classes were on display and tours of the building were offered by some of our 7th and 8th grade students. There was delicious food and drink and a short program to highlight all the wonderful work of the last 100 years that has paved the way for the next century of Faith, Learning and Service. Thank you to Ryan Barber for all his work on the video–take time to view it with this link. A special thanks to Mary Sherman for chairing the planning committee, Megan Sherman for coordinating the invitations and set up of the event, Dan Sherman for helping with set up, Damian Hession for organizing the bar and drinks, Ester Burkhart for getting photos and stories together and Monica Flora for helping with untold details to help make the evening a memorable event for all. And to all others who volunteered their help and came to the event. What a fun evening for all!
Inside our Classrooms: Last week I stopped by third grade and observed their math lesson–the students were practicing counting change and embedded in that learning was practice counting by ones, fives, tens and twenty-fives. Students worked with partners and solved problems involving change that deepened their number sense. They demonstrated great collaboration skills. Later I was in the first grade classroom and those students were practicing combining three numbers. They were able to analyze and find different ways to solve the same problem. They explained what strategies they had previously learned such as doubles facts and tens facts that helped them get a solution. They showed flexible thinking and attention to detail. Lots of work is being done to foster lifelong learning!
Stewardship & Re-enrollment: The beginning of January will be the start of re-enrollment in the school. If you are a parish member and receiving in-parish tuition, make sure you go to the Parish Stewardship Giving Page and follow the step-by-step instructions to ensure you are up-to-date.
Church News:
- Wednesday, 11/8 – No confession/weekday Mass as Fr. Colin is out at a work session for Partners in the Gospel.
- Sunday, 11/12 – Come celebrate baptisms after Mass with the community and socialize at Coffee & Donuts!
Upcoming Events:
- Nov. 10: No School
- Nov. 16: Middle School Free Dress
- Nov. 17: All School Free Dress in celebration of Moveathon!
- Nov. 17: All School Sundae Party because we met our Moveathon goal!
- Nov. 22: Noon Dismissal
- Nov. 22: End of Trimester
- Nov. 23 & 24: No School
- Nov. 29, 6:45-7:45pm: Executive Function Bootcamp–Time Management & Task Initiation.
Stay well,