Halloween Fun!
Dear Families,
Mr. Folger launched this week with a message at Prayer Assembly on the importance of kindness. In Saint Matthew’s Gospel reading this Sunday we were told about the greatest commandments:
“You shall love the Lord, your God, with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the greatest and the first commandment. The second is like it:
You shall love your neighbor as yourself.”
Integrating kindness into our work and decision making this week strengthens us and our community.
MoveAThon was a huge success! Thank you to all who made the day a success and to all students who allowed us to surpass our goal and brought in a net total of $64,497 including sponsorships! At Prayer Assembly the results of class lap winners, class top fundraisers and class prize winners were announced. A special thank you to Monica Flora and Ester Burkhart who organized it all, kept us healthy and hydrated and who continue to find special ways to celebrate the kids in their work. Here are some highlights
- Top School Fundraiser: Cece and Coco Arizcuren (1st & 4th)
- Top Class Fundraisers: Ben Leader (K), Hugo Guenther (1), Kate Zipperer (2), Solomon Barber (3), Sophia & Sean Gardella (4), Liam Kelly (5), Quinn Raney-Ernst (6), Raphael Alvarez (7) and Cash Kemp (8)
- Top Lap Runner: Olivia Gulmann with 27 laps!
- Top Class Winners: First Place: 2nd Grade; Second Place: 3rd Grade and Third Place: 1st Grade
- And because we exceeded our goal, we will have a free dress and all school ice cream sundae party on Friday, November 17.
Halloween Fun: Thank you to the Middle School Spirit team who led the Halloween Parade and handed out prizes for the best costumes at the Halloween Assembly! So many wonderful and clever costumes! The day was filled with fun learning and some fun parties. Of note at the start of the day was when jazz music began playing through the school’s new intercom system! Students responded with a little dance time as we figured out how to turn it off–it all got sorted out in about ten minutes!
Conference Follow Up: Thank you to everyone for your participation in student conferences. It is an important way for us to talk about student learning and growth. Your time is appreciated. We would love your feedback about conferences as we work to improve our conference experience for next year. Here is the link to the short survey!
Book Fair Thank You: One of the highlights of conference week is without a doubt our Book Fair! Thank you to Kristin Earnst and all her helpers for putting this fantastic event on. There were many happy faces coming out of the art room last week as they experienced the wonderful world of books.
Parish Campus Outdoor Clean Up: Thank you to all the parishioners and school families who came out last Saturday morning and helped clean up the gardens of the parish and school. SO MANY LEAVES! Your work made such a difference.
Tomorrow All Saints Day Mass at 8:45am: All are welcome! The 5th grade class will provide leadership as greeters, singers and lectors. Their work planning and preparing for this Mass is appreciated by all.
Executive Function Bootcamp Tomorrow: We have over 40 who have responded that they will attend the EF Bootcamp on Organization tomorrow night so it will be held in Banchero Hall.
Please RSVP here if you plan to attend. We will again have snacks and drinks to add to the enjoyment of the learning experience.
St. Anne School 100th Anniversary Mass & Gala: This Saturday, starting with the 5pm Mass we will celebrate our 100 years of Faith, Learning and Service! We are expecting over 350 alumni, parishioners, parents and friends of St. Anne. It is a community worth celebrating!
Extracurricular Music Opportunity: Mo Mershon is offering a youth Christmas Eve choir experience this year! Please see this music flier for more details!
Stewardship & Reenrollment: The beginning of January will be the start of re-enrollment in the school. If you are a parish member and receiving in-parish tuition, make sure you go to the Parish Stewardship Giving Page and follow the step by step instructions to ensure you are up to date.
Church News:
- Wednesday, Nov. 1: All Saints Day is a holy day of obligation! Mass with the school is at 8:45am but you are welcome to join us at Mass at 12pm or 7pm as well.
- Thursday, Nov. 2: All Souls Day will include an Altar of Remembrance: bring images of your loved ones to be placed on the altar for the remainder of the month of November. A silent prayer service will be held at 6pm in front of the Altar. Confessions will be available starting at 6:30pm followed by All Souls Mass at 7pm.
Upcoming Events:
- November 1, 8:45am: All Saints Day School Mass
- November 1, 6:45-7:45: Executive Function Bootcamp, Topic: Organization
- Nov. 4: 100th Anniversary Celebration starting with 5pm Mass
- Nov. 10: No School
Stay well,