As everyone may surely be aware, there continues to be shortages of supplies in all industries, and the food service business is no exception. We have a few temporary adjustments to our Lunch Program to accommodate the current unpredictable availability of the food supplies we usually depend on.
1. We will start the school year offering 1 or 2 lunch choices, depending on what supplies are available week to week. You will see choices added as consistency in food supplies are restored.
2. Until further notice, monthly menus will now be WEEKLY menus, depending on what can be sourced for the next week. Menus will be posted 3-5 days ahead of the Monday of the next week. The menu for the first week will be available on August 30th.
3. For now we are going to stay with the pre-order deadline as 8 am the morning of lunch.
4. There is a very remote chance that lunch could be cancelled without much notice – you would receive notice before 7am the day of lunch at the very latest via email from QAC through the EZSchool Apps blanket Parent Email Tool. Again, this is very remote, but it’s hard to know what we will be challenged with as the year gets started. Of course every means will be taken to provide lunches every day as we always have in the past!
We really appreciate your understanding and hope these inconveniences are quite temporary!
Please contact us for any further questions if needed:
Thank you so very much!