Dear Families:
We did it! Last Friday we were able to pull off an in-person Field Day. Though we weren’t able to do the usual all-school (at one time) event, due to Covid restrictions, we were able to have half the Families participate in outdoor games in the morning and half the Families participate in the afternoon. For the alternate times, students in the classrooms were engaged in fun activities such as small group games, videos, art projects and even a few naps. We are so proud of our 8th graders and how they adjusted to the modified event. Their leadership, attention to the little ones and their guidance on the video cheers made it a special day for all. Huge thanks to all of our parent volunteers who helped manage games. We really couldn’t have done it without them. And, we can’t forget Ms. Grelle who has been working since early March on ideas for the unusual Field Day. Great job all around!
It’s graduation week for our 8th graders. Please join us (virtually) as we send them off to high school with some special events this week. On Thursday morning, June 3rd at 10:15am, please join us for “Affirmations” where the middle school teachers recognize each 8th grader for their unique gifts. Their lower grade siblings also participate with words of good-bye and good luck and students are given small tokens of remembrance from each class. That evening at 5:00pm, we will be celebrating the Class of 2021 at the Graduation Mass. Following the liturgy, we will be awarding diplomas and awards. Here are links for you to access both events. Either one will work for both events:
After five years of faithful service to our Scrip program, Tiffany and Jeff Christianson and Susan Leonardson are retiring from this most important (and financially beneficial) program for our school. They have raised thousands of dollars over the years by helping to order, purchase and distribute gift cards that provide a rebate to the school. As they exit, the Scrip bank account has a balance of almost $95,000! I can’t thank them enough for their dedication and efforts to assure the success of the Scrip program. The monies that they have raised have been used over the years for a number of student educational enrichment opportunities from Mathletics to the Pacific Science Center visits, to performances by the Seattle Opera and Fifth Avenue Theatre.
As they are ready to hand off the Scrip baton, they are suggesting that we move to an online app called, Benefit mobile. Families can go online and order gift cards which can be loaded onto a computer or phone to be spent. We are looking for a new Scrip chair who could market the program and give directions to families on how it works. No banking, balancing of accounts, ordering, or packing involved. If you are interested, please contact me and I can give you further details.
Finally, I want to update you on some Fund It projects. At last year’s auction, funds were raised for iPads, a new sound system in Banchero Hall and money for a feasibiilty study on the viability of the structure of the convent. Though Covid slowed some of our progress, we continue to move ahead. IPads and a charging cart were purchased last summer, a structural analysis of the convent was completed and the sound system will be installed over the summer months once the gym is no longer being used as classroom spaces. Also, plans on the convent renovation are continuing. As far as the convent project, a Facilities Task Force sub-committee, chaired by Kelly Kemp, has been meeting throughout the year and we are making progress on steps to renovate the building for a licensed PreK, Aftercare Program and meeting space (upstairs) for the parish. Last week we met with an architect and our next steps are to get more detailed drawings and create a fundraising and construction timeline.
This year’s auction raised significant money for technology upgrades and teacher Covid compensation. Auction payments are being processed and due to the generosity of our community, teachers will be receiving more than we had originally hoped. Something they well deserve!
Just a reminder that the last day of school for the 2020-21 years is next Thursday, June 10th. We plan to have a parade celebrating our students and what they have accomplished this most unusual year. The parade, moving counterclockwise will round the block starting at 11:40am with dismissal immediately following. Please join us all around the block to applaud our students and end this year!
Have a great week!