- Conferences: Please be on the lookout for conference sign ups. Conferences will be October 28 & 29 from 1:00-7:00 pm and school will dismiss at noon on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. A sign up form with time preferences will be emailed to your school email account tomorrow. Please complete the online form no later than October 13th. If we don’t receive a response from you, a time will be scheduled for you.
- Uniform Exchange: We plan on having a uniform exchange sometime after October 15th in front of the school at dismissal. We are checking the forecast and coordinating with our uniform exchange volunteer. A firm date will be announced soon.
- Yearbooks: If you didn’t have a chance to purchase a yearbook from the the 2019-20 school year we still have a few available for purchase. The cost is $30 please contact Jennifer if you are interested.