Dear Families:
Happy 2019! I hope you and your family had a wonderful and relaxing holiday season. As good as it is to have the long break away from school, it is so very nice to return to our students’ smiling faces. The students were wide-awake and rarin’ to go at yesterday’s Prayer Assembly. I think everyone is ready to be back into our regular routine.
With the holidays over it feels like life should slow down a bit into a more relaxed pace. Not so in a school in January! We have a number of activities and events throughout the month and it all culminates with our Catholic Schools’ Week celebration during the last week in January. We are just finishing the process of submitting high school applications for our 8th graders, and now it is time to start enrolling our new PreK and Kindergarten classes. If you, or someone you know, is interested in next year’s PreK or K, please contact Jennifer Hazzard to assure that she has your information on file. Registration materials for these classes will be available at PreK and Kindergarten Information Night to be held on Thursday, January 24th rd at 7:00pm in Banchero Hall.
Other important dates to make sure are on your calendar:
Beginning Sunday, January 27th, we join the nation’s 8000 Catholic schools in celebrating Catholic Schools Week. During our own observance, each day will have a special theme and activity. More information will be coming home as the week draws near, but I want to draw your attention to three specific events:
Open House – Please join us on Sunday January 27th for the 10:00am Mass with Youth-led Ministries followed by our Open House from 11:30am until 1:00pm. Student led tours will be available for prospective families and teachers will be present in all classrooms to answer any questions. Registration packets will be available for interested new families. Students who come to the 10:00am Mass in their uniform will be given a free dress pass from their teacher. Just stop by the Open House after Mass to pick up their pass.
Grandparent/Grandfriends’ Day – This event, scheduled for Wednesday, January 30th, begins at 10:30am with a special Mass where children sit with their guest(s) and immediately following, treat them to a shared lunch. Students are asked to bring their Grandparents/grandfriends sack lunches to share in Banchero Hall or the middle school classrooms. Coffee and cookies will be provided. Following lunch (approximately 12:00pm) the “grand-guests” will be able to move on with their day and the students will head out to recess. NO HOT LUNCH will be served that day. The playground will open at 10:00am for parking. Cars will need to be moved from the playground following lunch at 12:10pm so that students can get outside for recess. We are looking forward to celebrating with you!
State of the School – Our annual State of the School presentation will take place on Wednesday evening, Jan. 30th at 7:00pm. Please join us for updates on teacher compensation in light of the Supreme Court McCleary decision, financial status and tuition numbers for 2019-20 and progress on action steps in our Five-Year Strategic Plan. Re-enrollment packets will be distributed that evening and at a second session to take place the morning of February 5th at 8:30am in the Assembly Room in the church.
Finally, we welcome back Mrs. Maura Dahlman as first-grade teacher following maternity leave after the birth of her first child, Eamon Lynch Dahlman. At four months old, he’s ready to spend his days with grandma while we enjoy having his mom back with us!
Have a great week.