Our Irish eyes were smiling last Thursday morning when dancers from the Tara Academy kicked off our St. Patrick’s Day weekend. They entertained us with jigs, reels and step dances. There were current students and alumnae performing, ranging in age from Kindergarten through high school. Even Julia Gats, Class of 2008 came to watch the performance. Julia is an award-winning Irish dancer who was on a break from her duties touring the world onstage in Riverdance. She got her dancing start at Tara Academy. Special thanks to Sara Raney Williams, Class of 1984, Director of the Tara Academy for bringing the Irish spirit to our school each year.
Last Friday, as our students enjoyed a day off, teachers and staff spent their day at school working on our self-study document for our WCEA Accreditation process. It will culminate in a three-day site visit by a team of outside educators in early November. We have completed the first draft of the self-study and are beginning work on the Action Plan. Good progress was accomplished on Friday with solid, measurable goals taking shape.
Yesterday, 4th grader Xander O’Flaherty took over the school as Principal for the Day. First on his day’s agenda was to distribute birthday pencils at our Monday morning Prayer Assembly followed by declaring next Monday, March 26th as a free dress day. This Friday we have an auction “cruise wear” free dress and Thursday we have an all-school Mass so he decided next Monday would be the best day to choose. Xander spent the remainder of his day visiting classrooms, enjoying pizza with his friends and having “meetings” with select students.
Report cards for the second trimester are coming home today. Last week I had the opportunity to review each one of them. I am so proud of what hardworking and dedicated students we have. There were positive comments on the cards about the accuracy of work; the willingness to put forth best effort, and the joy and pleasure it is to teach our students. We all know that parents are the primary educators of their children, but we sure appreciate you sharing them with us.
Ahoy! It’s anchors aweigh time for Bon Voyage – the Love Boat Auction! Final boarding is this Friday and Saturday night. Don t miss out on the opportunity to purchase class art projects, delicious dinner parties, vacations and teacher-led activities. Catalogs are coming home this coming Wednesday. Also on Wednesday afternoon, Monica Flora will be posting all of the Friday and Saturday night silent auction items online for you to preview. Get ready, much fun is on the horizon.
Finally, please join us for our all school Mass this coming Thursday, March 22nd at 8:45am. The 6th grade has been preparing and will be participating in the Liturgy. As we move towards Holy Week and Easter, it is nice to gather as a community in prayer as we prepare to observe the Triduum next week.
Have a great week!