I hope you get a chance to see the beautifully decorated trees on either side of the front steps. Last Wednesday, the fifth grade Girl Scout Troop #44036, along with their leader Samantha Stack and volunteer Eileen Askew, took donated and homemade ornaments and lights and adorned the trees for Christmas. On Thursday, they invited the first grade Daisy Troop #46810 to make and hang additional ornaments. Thank you Scouts for your work to beautify our school.
Today, your child/ren’s first trimester report card is coming home with them. If they haven’t already done so, please ask them to give them to you.
Please join us for our Christmas pageant, “A Schulz Family Christmas” featuring our sixth grade “stars” with musical appearances by our Pre-Kindergarten through seventh grade classes. Eighth grade provides stage and technical support. Performances will be at 1:15pm and 7:00pm on Thursday, December 14th. (PreK will only be performing at the evening show.)
The doors for the evening performance will open at 6:30pm. This is a very popular event but please do not plan to arrive before that time to save seats. No students or parents will be allowed in the building before 6:30pm. With the exception of the sixth grade, students are asked to go directly to their classrooms between 6:30pm and 6:45pm.
Friday, December 15th is a Red, Green and White free dress day. In the morning, Santa Claus will be paying a visit to each of the classrooms to help spread holiday cheer. We will also gather in Banchero Hall at 11:30am to have our annual all-school Christmas carol sing-a-long. Feel free to join us. We will dismiss at noon on that day for our Christmas holidays.
Thank you to our families who have submitted their St. Anne Stewardship Giving pledge card for 2018. A Parish Stewardship Pledge provides the financial support for the community to exist, to operate its ministries (including its subsidy to the school) and its outreach to the world. It is a requirement of all families who receive in-parish tuition to have a current card on file with the parish. If you have not updated your card, you can click here to fill out your pledge.
There is never an adequate way to thank each and every one of you for your support, encouragement and faith in us. As we prepare for the break, please know that all of us appreciate you and your children, and we really do miss them when we are away. I always look forward to sitting in the pew at Christmas Eve Mass and looking at all the families. My heart offers a special prayer for your safety, happiness and peace. May this be your best Christmas yet, and may you know that even when tough times present themselves, you will always have your bigger family of St. Anne’s standing with you.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! We will see you on Tuesday, January 2, 2018!
Have a great week!