Dear Families:
Just before our Easter break, on Good Friday, our eighth grade class presented the Living Stations of the Cross in the church. Typically, the entire school joins, but this year due to Covid restrictions, they watched in their classrooms via live-stream. The eighth graders did an excellent job and were reverent, setting the mood for the solemnity of the day. Special thanks to Mrs. Pam Sturgeon who for years has directed the presentation with eighth grade classes. She is here one day a week substitute teaching in the eighth grade, and worked with them on continuing this special tradition.
I hope you all had a blessed Easter and a chance to relax and recharge during our break. I know for our faculty and staff, it was a much-needed time away. They have worked so hard this year managing multiple classroom cohorts, working to keep students safe with distancing, masking and hand-washing reminders while wearing multiple layers of clothing and coats over the months of winter so classroom windows could remain open for ventilation. Spring (even this week!) should bring warmer temperatures, a chance for them to take classes outside and the hope that our Covid nightmare will start to end. Eight and a half weeks to go in this school year! Thank you to our wonderful families who have endured these most difficult times. St. Anne School is resilient with a reputation for excellence due to the remarkable support afforded by our families.
A Night in Havanna at the St. Anna Cabana is coming on May 8th! We are so excited that we are able to welcome 150 guests on-site following all Covid restrictions. Kathleen Gallagher and Becky Pelletier have been working hard to make this a very special event. The live auction will take place in a well-ventilated tent with distancing and all safety protocols in place. The invitations and sign-up for reservations will go out via your school e-mail at 6:00pm tomorrow evening (Wednesday, April 14th) so that everyone has the opportunity to sign-up at the same time. We know that these are far less seats than we have in a “regular” year, but we are happy that at least some can join together. See the auction post below for more details and check your email early so you don’t miss out!
St. Anne’s Task Force to Combat Racism is continuing their work with a study of Open Wide Our Hearts: The Enduring Call to Love—A Pastoral Letter Against Racism, which is a 32-page document with a complimentary study guide created in 2018 by the USCCB’s Committee on Cultural Diversity in the Church. During each of the study sessions, volunteer members from the Task Force will facilitate a discussion on one of the four sections of the letter. You are invited to attend any or all of the sessions to be held on Wednesday evenings, April 14th, April 21st, April 28th and May 5th from 7:00pm – 8:30pm via zoom. Here is the link to register. Thank you to Gina Grothkopp, Beaven Walters and Merrie Williamson for chairing this most important task force. Please contact one of them if you have any questions.
Have a great week!