The lengthening of days.
February 28, 2023
Dear Families,
We have begun our Lenten journey! This forty day season of prayer, fasting and almsgiving draws us more deeply into our faith. During this season our school community gathers daily for prayer and we have guided reflections on how to be of service to others through use of Catholic Relief Services (CRS) Rice Bowls. All of our students and staff were given their own Rice Bowl yesterday to use throughout Lent. One practice can be to simplify a family meal and put the money saved in the rice bowl. This cultivates the value of both fasting and almsgiving. Students can bring the Rice Bowl in sometime during the season and they are invited to bring the Rice Bowls up during morning prayer. Mr. Haffey and a committee of staff members have provided us with planning and leadership in this good work. Here is an invitation:
During our season of Lent, the school community begins each morning in prayer. We’d love to have you join us if you’re able. We meet in the gym. The morning prayer only lasts about 5 minutes, but it’s a beautiful way to start the day. The schedule looks like this…
- Monday – Regular prayer assembly.
- Tuesday – Watch a video about Catholic Relief Services to meet some of the people whose lives are positively affected by the money from the rice bowls
- Wednesday – Stations of the Cross (we’ll read about 2 Stations each week)
- Thursday – Telling a “beautiful story” (this goes with our theme of the year: “God has made all things beautiful in time”)
- Friday – School Mass at 8:45am
And here is a prayer from CRS that we can pray together:
Our Father, As we begin Lent, let our hearts be filled with your Spirit so that we may grow deeper in your love. May our prayer lead us to a sincere desire to be close to you. May fasting help us rely on you and transform us into better people. May our almsgiving be a chance to serve our one human family around the world. Amen
Student Appreciation Volleyball Game:
- Congratulations to the 8th grade students for the incredible win over the St. Anne Staff on Friday, February 17.
- Note from sportscaster Mr. Talevich: “The atmosphere in Banchero Hall was electric, with students cheering loudly. Both teams played their hearts out, but the 8th graders just wouldn’t relent and won in three sets.” Teachers vs. 8th Volleyball 2023
In Gratitude:
- To our Spirit Committee for organizing the highly successful candy-gram fundraiser event. The team included Amelia, Victoria, Macy, Doe, Sofia R., Alex, Francesca and Anna Jane.
- The Banchero Hall floor received a professional, deep cleaning over break and looks great!
SLE Drawing Winners for this Month!
- Active Person of Faith: Matthew Street (5th) for showing integrity.
- Lifelong Learner: Blake Schwabe (5th) who uses a variety of strategies to learn.
- Well Balanced Person: Johnny Gilliand (1st) who holds the door open for younger grades..
- Globally Aware Person: Raphael Alvarez (6th) who makes connections between what we are reading and what is happening in those parts of the world.
MARK YOUR CALENDAR for STEAM Night for the whole school community!
- Thursday, March 23, 6:30pm-7:30pm in Banchero Hall
- A night for all families to come together, play together and learn together!
- Teachers have designed fun activities to engage all levels of learners and explore science, technology, engineering, art and math.
- You won’t want to miss this fun event.
Auction News!
- We’ve received some great auction items but still lots of families still need to donate….deadline for turning in online auction forms is this Friday, March 3rd.
- Thanks to all of our wonderful auction sponsors; we are $6,000 away from reaching our $20K goal. Please contact Monica Flora if you are interested in joining the sponsorship team.
Dates for your Calendar this month!
- Mar. 5: Rescheduled Father/Daughter Dance
- Mar. 6-Mar.17: STAR Window Opens
- Mar. 9: End of Trimester!
- Mar. 10: Staff Professional Development–NO SCHOOL
- Mar 10: Pre-K and Kindergarten acceptance letters emailed
- Mar. 16, 2:15pm: Lower Sch. Drama Performance to all school
- Mar. 17, 8:30-8:50am: Irish Dancers perform in Banchero Hall – families welcome to watch
- Mar. 23, 6:30pm-7:30pm: All school families STEAM Night
- Mar. 24, Rescheduled Grandparents/Grandfriends Day Mass
- Mar. 24, 2:15pm, Broadway Review
- Mar. 29-31: 5th Grade at OPI
Stay Well,