Dear Families,
I suspect every season brings its own joys. But the month of October brings us a particular joy with its angular light and the changing color of the leaves. It is hard to miss God’s goodness in that light. This week at our Prayer Assembly, Senor Soto read in Spanish the passage from Ecclesiastes from which our theme comes. He asked us to notice the beauty of the language and highlighted the word tiempo and the message of “A time to every purpose under heaven”.
The students are settling into the rhythm of their learning, have reacquainted themselves with each other and are experiencing the challenge of new concepts. Eighth graders are beginning to have high school visits. CYO soccer games and cross country are in full swing and our Spirit Team is doing weekly announcements at Prayer Assembly. Our STAR and MAP assessments are coming to an end and the school community is thriving and growing.
In Gratitude for:
- Our facilities crew of Alan Rosado and Heti Lemalu. Mr. Rosado opens up our school building every day, sets up and cleans up from lunch, helps with our sound system, ensures our boilers are working and maintains the systems of the building. Mr. Lemalu maintains and cleans the building during the evening hours, ensures that our systems are functioning and keeps our building secure. A heartfelt thanks to both of them.
Activities at our school:
- Tomorrow morning is our Blessing of the Animals in Banchero Hall at 8:30am. Parking is available in the school lot starting at 8:10am. Students (and pets) go directly to Banchero Hall. All pets must leave the school campus after the blessing. Students may bring pictures and stuffies too.
- Extracurricular Activities: Parents have been stepping forward to organize and get some extracurricular programs started back up. Thank you. Here are a few that are getting organized:
- Debate Club for grades 4-5 begins October 11, 2022–organized by Nkiru Onwuneme
- Chess Club for K-8 begins on November 2, 2022–organized by Kelly Jaeger
- Drama: A lower school drama and upper school drama program starting in January and February respectively–organized by Samantha Stack
- MoveAthon: on Thursday, October 13, 2022 at 1:15. Our goal is $40,000! Look for all sorts of important details from Monica Flora.
Don’t forget that you are welcome to join us at Friday morning Mass every week from 8:45-9:15am. Have a great week everyone.