Dear Families,
It feels so good to be moving into these beautiful fall days! Students are settling into their classroom routines and digging into learning.
This week at our Prayer Assembly, Mrs. Rain, introduced/reviewed our Student Learning Expectations (you can find them in your Family Handbooks). If you wonder about the work we do here, wonder no longer. The SLEs form the backbone of our goal-setting and lesson planning. They articulate the attributes we have identified for the graduates of our school: Active persons of Faith, Lifelong Learners, Globally Aware and Well Balanced persons.
As we look back on last week we have much to be grateful for:
- Back to School Night last Thursday:
- Thank you to the teachers for preparing thoughtful and informative classroom presentations for families.
- Thank you for such a great turn out of parents to hear all about our theme, our programs, our community and learn about how to support your student(s).
- St. Anne Tailgate last Friday:
- A huge thank you to Lori Roozen for spearheading the planning and organizing of this wonderful community event. It was great seeing so many families out and enjoying themselves.
- And thank you to the School Commission for sponsoring a tasty dessert treat for the kids. We look forward to that tradition continuing!
Exciting community news:
- We have new Parent Association Chairs!
- Kris Lund (5th & 2nd grade students) and Minou Reisinger (1st grade student)
- They met with Sean and I last week to discuss some of the plans and ideas they have. You will be hearing more from them in the coming weeks.
- They will provide important support to our whole community through community building activities and supporting effective communication.
- Thank you to all who stepped up to be room parents! You will be hearing from them. They help tremendously to coordinate the volunteer needs of each classroom.
On the calendar this week:
- Summer Reading: We had summer reading parties in the library! We are always in the mood to celebrate reading!
- Christ in the Classroom Retreat: I will be joining all the other Archdiocesan Principals for a retreat at Seabeck, Wednesday afternoon through Friday. All school principals will be given training to teach this year’s Christ in the Classroom Retreat to our school staff at our inservice on October 14.
- Middle School Dance News: The North Region is finalizing its dance schedule which you will receive shortly. The first dance is scheduled for Friday, Sept. 30, 2022, 7:30-9pm at Assumption-St. Bridget School. Permission slips will be sent home with 7th and 8th grade students next Monday.
Have a great week!