Dear Families:
Last Wednesday we entered the season of Lent. Our fifth graders planned a beautiful Ash Wednesday Mass followed by a silent, prayerful walk around the block in support of the Ukrainian people and the struggles they are enduring. Classes carried posters that are on display throughout the school building, asking for prayers for all involved.
As you are aware, on Saturday, March 12th the mask mandate for the state of Washington is being lifted. It applies to indoor facilities and includes schools. We are leaving the decision of mask wearing up to individual families. Masks will not be mandatory either inside the classroom or outside at recess. Though there will be times that we will still be requiring masks, such as at Prayer Assemblies, music classes, transportation for field trips and large all-school indoor gatherings etc., for most of the regular school day, masks will be optional. Please make sure that your child has a mask (or two) with them each day. We will continue to provide music masks and have a supply of disposable masks if a student forgets to bring one.
The transition from mandated to optional masks will be uncomfortable for some individuals. We are fully supportive of the decision you make for your child/ren. Many staff members will continue to wear masks and there are a multitude of reasons that families may want to continue to wear them. We have students in the building who are too young to be vaccinated, are immuno-compromised or living in a multi-generational home. Please remind your child/ren that this is a personal family decision, and that no judgement should be made (or will be tolerated) regarding the individual choice. We are so pleased that the Covid numbers are declining and that we have not had a single case in the school for almost a month. We will continue to assess our optional mask decision and ask that if your child experiences any symptoms, that Covid testing is conducted before sending them to school.
Our Kindergarten -Fifth grade families are invited to our Music/Drama program’s “Broadway Revue” in Banchero Hall on Thursday, March 24th at 2:15pm. Ms. Vizzare has been working with the K-5th graders on songs from various Broadway musicals. Each class will perform and the revue should last about 30 minutes. More details will follow but we will ask that all audience members be masked for this large performance. Only K-5th grade classes will attend, the middle school will have an opportunity to view the program the following morning.
Finally, a huge thank you! One of the most stressful things I’ve written during my career was my letter to you last week regarding my decision to retire in June. What I’ve quickly realized is how hard it is now responding to so many humbling emails and notes regarding that decision. As I said, this school community has been a constant through my entire life. And the biggest part of that is all of you, past and present, who have contributed your all for so long to create our shared legacy of St. Anne School as the “Shining Light on the Hill.”
Thank you. Thank you. Remaining as parishioners, I, along with my husband Dan, will continue to see this through together with you for years to come. The next century is just ahead!
Have a great week! And don’t forget to “spring forward” an hour for Daylight Savings Time this weekend.