Dear Families:
This week marks the national celebration of Catholic Schools’ Week. Typically, we begin our week with Mass and an Open House. With Covid numbers still high, we are not able (yet!) to have visitors in the building. We are delaying our celebration to February 14th – 17th when we hope to observe the week as close to our traditional time as possible. More details will be coming in the next week but plan on joining us on Monday, February 14th (Valentine’s Day) as we celebrate our parents with our “Thanks a Latte” coffee cart. During morning drop-off, you are welcome to park on the playground (students will be going directly to classrooms that morning) and make your way to the latte station for a complimentary brew, to thank you for all you do for our school. It’s been a tough couple of years and parents have been amazing with support of online school, changing schedules and encouragement. Even though we can’t let you in the building, please know how much we miss seeing you and appreciate all of you!
Though gatherings are still difficult to have in-person, our Strategic Plan task forces have been hard at work. Each month at the School Commission meetings the chairs of each committee report on the work toward the goals of our Vison and Values 5 Year Plan 2020-2025. Just a brief update on the progress of the work this year:
- Catholic Identity – Chair, Sharon Cercone. This task force is meeting weekly with a goal of strengthening the Parish-school community through service, integrated activities and living out our Gospel values. They are doing extensive work on increasing awareness of the beauty and strength that St. Anne has to offer. The particular action step they are working toward this year is increasing middle school engagement in Parish life.
- Programs – Chair, Kathleen Gallagher. The Programs task force is working to broaden the path to learning success by creating a diverse learner resource toolkit and creating a plan to bring this information to one place. Their work this year has been focused on designing a single page “roadmap” that outlines the process for identifying a student learning need, accessing professional testing, creating a Student Learning Plan (SLP) and monitoring yearly updates to the SLP. In addition, the team is designing a survey that will gather feedback on the school’s current processes from parents of students with an SLP.
- Technology – Chair, Ashley Rossman. The Technology task force has been meeting monthly to make recommendations and advise on technology goals and implementation. They are in the process of researching best practices and educational trends in schools with high quality technology programs. They are creating a survey for parents and stakeholders for input on expectations and hopes for technology use at St. Anne School.
- Resources/Facilities – Chair, Kelly Kemp. The Phase 2 Facilities task force completed the necessary steps for approval from the Archdiocese to proceed with plans for the convent remodel. A seismic feasibility study was completed two summers ago from funds raised at the 2019 auction. Due to change in parish leadership and Covid restrictions, our timeline slowed. Much work has been done this past year with meetings 3-4 times per month. Currently the task force is finalizing a Request for Proposal (RFP) to be sent to 5 architectural firms. Interviews for final selection of an architect will take place in late winter.
Finally, last fall during Parent-Teacher Conferences, our annual Secret Garden bookfair was held. Librarian, Ms. Earnst reports that over $5400. worth of books were purchased with a return to the school of $1131.71, which she has spent well over half of on new books for the library. Thank you for your support of the bookfair!
Have a great week!