Middle School Orientation 9/1
On Wednesday, September 1st we are having our annual orientation to “kick-start” the school year for our 6th-8th graders. All middle school students will report to the gym at 9:00am to begin a fun-filled morning. We will have ice-breaker activities, discussions about leadership roles as the oldest level of students in the school, collaboration on strategies for success with school work, and ideas for a smooth transition for our incoming 6th graders. We will end with a pizza lunch and students will be free to go at noon. Uniforms will not be required and students can wear dress-code appropriate clothing for comfort.
PreKindergarten/Kindergarten Open House 9/2
On Thursday, September 2nd our littlest students and their parents are welcome to visit their new classrooms between 10:00am and 12:00pm. PreK and Kindergarten teachers and aides will be on hand to answer questions and ease any apprehension in preparation for the first day of school. Please join us!
Prayer Assembly 9/7
We will hold our traditional first day of school Prayer Assembly in the gym at 8:45am but due to distancing recommendations, parents and guests will not be allowed to attend. Typically, this is a wonderful time for our community to gather, share coffee and kick-off the school year, but until the Covid positive case number drop, we can only allow our students and staff to attend.
Mass of the Holy Spirit 9/10
On Friday, September 10th at 8:45am we will be having our Back-to-School Mass in the church with Fr. Colin. Due to distancing restrictions, at this time, we are planning to limit the numbers, with only student/staff allowed in order to maintain social distancing.
Tailgate Party 9/10
Our Parent Association is planning to hold the very popular Back-to-School Tailgate party on Friday, September 10th from 5:30pm-7:30pm. Due to Covid restrictions, we are unable to have the traditional hamburger barbecue and shared side-dishes. Families will need to provide their own picnic/tailgate food and drink. Look for details from Elyssa Schuessler, this year’s Parent Association chair.
Back to School Night 9/16
We are in the process of planning our Back to School Night, scheduled for Thursday, September 16th beginning at 6:30pm. We are monitoring what is allowed as far as in-person gatherings and the most efficient way to deliver curriculum information while allowing you to meet your child’s teacher. Our classrooms are not large enough to have all parents in them at one time so we are looking at alternatives. We will update you as soon as plans are formulated.