Yesterday morning, the 8th graders, led by “baking whiz”, Mrs. Austin, along with “assistants” Mr. Talevich and Miss Grelle, continued a long-standing tradition of baking pies to be donated for Thanksgiving dinner at the Compass Cascade House for Women and the St. Martin De Porres Shelter. Joining together via Zoom, students peeled and prepared apples, made a crumb crust topping and added it to a pre-made crust. Pies were baked and delivered to school this morning for transport to the shelters. We are so proud of our 8th graders (and their teachers) for coming up with a creative way to continue the annual pie donation. The only thing missing was the delicious apple pie smell that would waft through the school as the pies baked in years past.
Every November, during the parish Stewardship campaign, we are asked to reflect and re-evaluate our financial gift (Sunday offering) to be used for parish operations. This is the main source of yearly income for the parish and helps provide financial stability. It is from this source that the school ministry receives its annual subsidy – the sum of money that helps make up the difference between our full operating cost and the net we receive in tuition. St. Anne church does not receive money from the archdiocese for operations. It is up to us to provide support to help our parish operate. In order to receive the in-parish tuition rate, a family must have a Stewardship Giving card on file and update it each year. Each parishioner family received one of these in the mail recently from the parish. It is more important than ever this year to fill out your Stewardship pledge card and return it to the parish or school office as soon as you can. You can also go online to sign-up or update an Electronic Funds Transfer. Go to and click on the “Online Electronic Giving” button. Currently, during this pandemic, the parish is not receiving the usual support and we are $32,000 short for this calendar year. We are part of a great community and we want to assure our parish and school have sufficient funds so we can continue to thrive and grow. Please do your part to help during this most challenging year. Pledges made now are for donations beginning in January, 2021.
Due to classes being held remotely this fall, we are without a middle school Spirit Committee. They usually have a multitude of ideas on ways to build school spirit. At Thanksgiving time each year, they usually request a Thanksgiving colors or an Apple Cup free dress. With the Apple Cup being cancelled we have declared this coming Wednesday as a Thanksgiving colors free dress. Whether you are having classes at home or are here in the school, feel free to don your Thanksgiving wear.
To all of our families, on behalf of our faculty and staff, I wish you a Happy Thanksgiving! Please stay healthy, wear your mask, wash your hands, keep gatherings to a minimum, and maintain a good distance. We all need to continue to work together to help keep our community safe!
Have a great week!