Dear Families:
Welcome Back from Easter break! While our time away from remote learning was not what any of us expected our Easter break to look like, it was nice to have some time away from a computer screen to enjoy the beautiful weather we had.
Yesterday, our teachers spent the day planning out the remainder of the year and how to make sure essential standards are being addressed as well as how assessments will be conducted. I am so impressed with our teachers. They met with teachers at the same level (K-2, 3-5, and 6-8) and also talked with the teacher at the next grade above to make sure their plans would meet expectations for student success in their grade in September. We will continue our discussion in level meetings this Wednesday as there is more work to do, but we are feeling good about the gains our students are making. Thank you again for your part in making this new learning so effective. There are still bumps here and there, but overall, we are pleased with the success of our students.
Saddle up – next week is auction week! Get your “Denim and Diamonds” ready for a virtual party! Becky Pelletier, Kathleen Gallagher and Ashley Rossman, along with Development Director, Monica Flora are finalizing some great plans. The Silent Auction opens at 5:00pm this coming Sunday and will remain open until 10:00pm on Friday, May 1st. On Saturday, May 2nd the celebration with Super Silent and Live items begins at 5pm and lasts until 10:00pm. The committee has “zoom” plans to connect us and dinner can be ordered through Eden Hill Provisions and delivered directly to your door. So, all you have to do is grab your Western gear and tune in both Friday and Saturday. (I hear there will be a virtual costume contest…with prizes.) Let’s do everything we can to support this most important fundraiser during such a unique time. It is vitally important for our budget as we return to school next fall.
Finally, we have had questions about submitting Service Hours for the school year. Believe me, we know how much work you are doing to support remote learning. Please, count those toward your hours. And no need to submit anything, we already know how much time you are spending.
Have a great week.