Congratulations to our Geography Bee winners! Last Thursday afternoon we held the National Geographic Geography Bee finals for grades 4th-8th. Two finalists from each class competed in oral and written questions. We have amazing students. Could you answer questions such as: Recent water shortage in the city of Chennai and the state of Haryana highlight the challenges face by what Asian country with highly stressed water supplies? (India) Our students answered many similar ones. The winners of the contest were: First Place: Olivia Rodrigo – 7th grade, Second Place: Camden Kiefer – 5th grade, and Third Place: Santiago Rodrigo – 5th grade. Congratulations to all who competed!
Thank you to those of you who attended one of the two State of the School meetings. Feedback has been positive on the information presented, especially in regards to the work on the Facilities Task force plan. Thank you to Fr. Colin for his presentation on Wednesday night outlining his vision for implementation of the Facilities plan. It will be nice to begin work on a feasibility study on the House of Prayer with monies raised from this year’s auction Fund It! Re-enrollment packets were distributed at each of the meetings. They are due back in the office by February 13th. If you were unable to attend one of the meetings, please stop by the office to pick up your packet.
Our annual auction, “Denim and Diamonds” is coming March 27th and 28th! Thank you for the wonderful items already donated by our families. It’s going to be a fabulous event. Sponsorship opportunities are available. It takes about $20,000 to underwrite the entire cost of the dinner. Wouldn’t it be amazing to have all proceeds from the dinner as income revenue? There are multiple sponsorship levels available (see Auction News). If you know of a business or person willing to be a sponsor, please contact Monica Flora in the Development Office.
Just a reminder that we rescheduled Student Appreciation Day to this Friday, February 7th. Students are welcome to wear free dress. Our traditional Faculty v. 8th grade volleyball game will be held at 1:30pm. Feel free to join the craziness! It is always a fun-filled, albeit loud, afternoon celebrating our wonderful students.
Have a great week!