Hi, y’all! Here are a few auction updates:
Parent Procurement Reminder: Every family has committed to donating $200 or more in cash, item(s) or service by January 31st. To donate online (highly encouraged) visit http://auction.stannesea.org and let us know ASAP what you are donating. Thanks to all those who donated by the early deadline (1/24) – free dress passes will be going home tomorrow.
Donation ideas: Apple EarPods, Away Luggage, American Girl Doll, Oculus, themed baskets, high end wines, Glossier or other popular makeup sets, air hockey or foosball tables, weekend getaways, concert tickets, backstage passes, sporting events, musicals, and of course, $200 cash donations (100% tax deductible) are gladly accepted and will be used to purchase additional live and silent auction items.
Volunteer Opportunities: Thanks to all of those who have already signed up. There are still several opportunities available. Please click on the online signup (via Signup Genius) for various tasks, from decorations to behind the scenes. Thank you!