Last Wednesday, I had the opportunity to join the third graders as they heard Cancer Research Specialist, Andrea Lim, from the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center talk about her work studying the brain. Complementary to the growth-mindset unit the third graders are currently working on, Ms. Lim taught them about neurons and how they pass chemical signals to send a message through the brain. These signals form pathways. The more times our brain thinks in a certain way, the stronger the pathway becomes. Our brain also forms new pathways when we learn something new, and it takes time and practice to strengthen that pathway. She did an activity to simulate neurons passing a signal, where the class held hands in a circle and passed a squeeze around. The more they practiced, the faster they got. Nice job, third grade! Practice makes perfect.
No need to remind anyone that Thursday is Halloween! It should be a fun-filled day. Please make sure your student abides by the guidelines for appropriate costumes. We want everyone to be able to participate in the costume contest. If you need to review the parameters, you can find them in last week’s Principal Post. Please feel free to join us for the Parade at 1:45pm followed by the Costume Awards Assembly at 2:15pm.
Friday, November 1st is All Saint’s Day – a holy day for Catholics. We will be attending Mass as a school at 8:45am. The third-grade class is planning and will be participating in the liturgy. Please join us as we celebrate all of the Saints, ancient or recent, who have meant much to us in our lives and now reside with God in Heaven.
Next Wednesday, November 6th is our Town Hall meeting at 6:30pm in Banchero Hall. This is your opportunity to shape the future of St. Anne School as we celebrate our centennial in just three short years. We stand on the legacy, dating back to 1923, of those who brought us to this place and first established our mission to provide a quality Catholic education that promotes educational excellence, living of Gospel values, building Christian community and serving others in need. We need your input to guide our efforts on the Strategic Plan as we enter the next century of education at St. Anne School. Please make an effort to join us!
Have a great week!