Dear Families:
Whenever I have the opportunity to spend time with other school leaders, I always come away with a deep appreciation for what we have here at St. Anne. This past week, I was once again honored to be an invited attendee at the fifteenth annual National Private Schools Leadership Conference hosted by the U.S. Dept. of Education in Washington, D.C. Sponsored by the Office of Non-Public Education, the entire day was filled with conversations and presentations from numerous independent and faith-based school leaders, as well as Department staff – including Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos, herself. During this trip, I also had the occasion to spend some quality time in counsel with education policy directors from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), the National Catholic Educational Association (NCEA), and the Council for American Private Education (CAPE). Each meeting confirmed for me that, even in the face of economic and political challenges, the private school community is robust. Whether faith-based or independent, we share so much in common. By working in collaboration and sharing ideas, best practices and innovative models, the wisdom and gifts of non-public schools continues to lead the way for our nation’s entire PK-12 system. Not only do non-public programs excel in academics, we also produce young men and women who develop strong character to truly change our future for the better. It was also abundantly clear that we are blessed at St. Anne’s to not be experiencing some of the challenges currently facing some of our sister schools. We have strong enrollment numbers, outstanding teachers, academic strength, sound revenue, and the support of our wonderful parent and parish community.
The Move-a-thon is only a little over a week away! Yesterday morning at the Prayer Assembly, Miss Grelle shared tips for Move-a-thon success and staying healthy. She reminded the students that one of the most important ways to remain healthy is by washing hands. Whether after using the bathroom, before eating, or when coming in contact with germs on public surfaces, 20 seconds of handwashing with soap and warm water will go a long way in preventing illness. She even encouraged them to sing the “Happy Birthday” song as they wash, as it typically takes about 20 seconds to sing. With cold season already upon us, it is a good reminder to help keep germs at bay. We all want to be healthy for Move-a-thon Day!
Have a great week!