Please remember it is not necessary to send in a check for school supplies or field trips. We will bill your FACTS account on September 30.
Pre-K: $30 Supply Fee
Kindergarten: $30 Supply Fee, $25 Field Trip Fee
1st: $30 Supply Fee, $10 Field Trip Fee
2nd: $30 Supply Fee, $30 Field Trip Fee
3rd: $30 Supply Fee, $20 Field Trip Fee
4th $30 Supply Fee, $60 Field Trip Fee
5th: $30 Supply Fee, $20 Field Trip Fee please note there will be a fee for OPI and that will be a separate charge later in the school year.
6th: $25 Bible Fee, $25 Field Trip
7th: $40 Field Trip
8th: $50 Field Trip please note there will be a graduation fee but that won’t be billed until May and Mrs. Sturgeon will go over that in an 8th grade graduation parent meeting.