Thank you to all who completed the Parent Survey for our Accreditation Self-Study. We are currently analyzing the results as we prepare data for our document. We have completed the School Profile portion of the self-study and continue to work on the various sections. The teachers are putting in extra hours examining data and documenting practices that demonstrate student success in meeting our Schoolwide Learning Expectations.
The main focus of the self-study is to examine the quality of our school program and create an action plan for school improvement to be implemented over the next six years, the maximum term of accreditation. We will also complete an in-depth study in one academic subject. This cycle we are focusing on Social Studies. In the past, we have examined Writing, Reading and Math.
We will continue to keep you posted on the progress we are making on our self-study. It will be completed in late spring and sent to our Accreditation Commissioner for input before the final document is published and given to the site visit team. Next November, a site visit team of outside educators will spend three days on campus to verify the information presented in the self-study and to recommend the term of accreditation. It is a tremendous amount of work but very rewarding once completed.
8th Grade Exit Interviews
Last week I completed all of the 8th grade exit interviews as they begin the process of applying to high school. It is gratifying to have an opportunity to sit down and talk one-on-one with each of them about their favorite memories, the quality of their education, and their overall opinion of their time at St. Anne School. They are a wonderful group who offered insightful, reflective and positive comments. Common answers about their favorite memories include: Families, Buddies, Field Day, Prayer Assemblies and religious traditions (School Masses, Advent Wreath Lighting, Simple Meal, etc.)
I always ask them one question about what should be changed at the school and one about what should never be changed. Most indicated they wouldn’t change anything, with a few mentioning more time for lunch, having a study hall and adding more elective classes. The overwhelming responses on what should never change were, “the community” and “the teachers”. They spoke of feeling very prepared for high school and mentioned specific strategies used by teachers (including homework!) that made them feel the transition to high school will be smooth. It Is bittersweet watching these students grow and leave us, but we are confident they will thrive in high school.
Move-A-Thon Celebration
This Friday, November 17th the students have earned a free dress for reaching the super goal in raising funds from the Move-A-Thon. They will also have an all-school ice cream sundae party celebrating their great success!
Pacific Science Center Visit
Tuesday, November 21st the Pacific Science Center will be with us for a Science Day called “Math Blast”. We will begin the day with an all-school assembly followed by individual class lessons and a hands-on exhibit. Thank you to our wonderful Scrip team and the funds they have raised to make this opportunity possible for our students.
CYO Basketball Supervision
Finally, CYO basketball season is underway and we are blessed to have a facility on-site where our students can practice and have games. The afternoon practices do not start until 4:00pm, but we are finding that some students are remaining at school until practice begins. While the teachers’ work day continues, their responsibility to monitor students ends with pick-up no later than 3:15pm. We are unable to supervise children on the campus after that time. Therefore, we will not allow your child to remain at school between the end of the school day and the time practice begins.
Also, for their protection, students are NEVER to be on the stage before, during or after practices. Supplies, ladders and equipment are often stored there and could pose a danger. They are well aware that these are the rules during school hours. It is up to you and the coaches to reinforce proper behavior with them at ALL times they are using the facility. Unfortunately, if they are unable to follow these policies, the consequence is to lose the privilege of team participation. Thank you for giving it your full attention.
Have a great week!