December 6, 2022
Dear Families,
Thank you to our PreK for illuminating the Christmas Season for all of us! It is a gift to our entire neighborhood! You help us feel the joy and meaning of the season each day. (See picture above.) Here is the description of the project shared by Ms. McDougal with PreK families:
“We also took a moment to explore the stained glass doorway of our church which depicts some important figures and terms associated with Jesus’ birth. Students spied various shapes and images on the glass, picking out a few familiar letters that make up the words nativity, magi, shepherds, etc. Pre k students then set forth to create their own stained glass window display. Using transparent contact paper and tissue paper, they carefully assembled each pane of stained glass. It was a very fun process and allowed students to practice skills such as communication, collaboration and patience. The final result is truly breathtaking!”
Report cards went home today. Teachers have worked hard to capture a picture of each student’s learning and growth. It is an opportunity to identify both successes and opportunities for growth. And it is a tool used to set learning goals for the next trimester. We appreciate the opportunity to partner with you in your student’s academic journey.
Mass on Thursday at 8:45am for The Feast of the Immaculate Conception. This Mass will be led by our 4th Grade students. It is a beautiful opportunity for us to come and pray together as a community. All are welcome.
Thank you to all the Middle School Dance volunteers who helped make the dance last Friday a huge success–our first in three years! We hosted 400 seventh and eighth grade students from 12 Catholic schools in our region! A special shout out to Mr. Haffey for leading the organizational work that helped the event run so smoothly.
Our daily Advent celebration continues with the lighting of the Advent candles and the singing of our Advent song in Banchero Hall. You are always welcome to join us in the gym at 8:30 (this week we will gather on Wednesday and Friday and next week Monday-Thursday).
Stewardship Giving Time!
- Stewardship giving is what allows for a healthy and vibrant church community.
- Having a pledge on file allows the Parish to plan and budget for faith formation, service groups, small group ministry, school support and a host of other programs that build our faith community.
- All in-parish school families pay a reduced tuition because of parish support. Sharing your time, treasure and talent makes all the difference.
- If you pay the in-parish tuition, you must make a Stewardship Pledge.
- Use this link and make your pledge before the end of the year.
Parish Christmas Dinner for our Neighbors in Need
- December 12 at 6pm in Banchero Hall: sign up is through the parish (most volunteer positions have been filled).
Christmas Pageant Time!
- A huge thank you to Ms. Faltinson for her incredible work in directing and staging this year’s Christmas Pageant.
- For those who are new to the St. Anne School Christmas Pageant, our 6th grade class takes the lead as performers and each class plays a supporting role throughout the program by singing a special Christmas song.
- Thursday, December 15 is performance day: 1:15pm and 6:30pm.
STEM Learning!
- We are planning an all school Math Night in the spring for all families to participate in!
- The purpose is to have fun with math learning. And just play, play, play with numbers. And we might throw a little engineering fun into the mix.
- Stay tuned for a date announcement and for opportunities to volunteer in making this a special evening event.
Activities at our school:
- Dec. 6: Report Cards sent home
- Dec. 8, 8:45am: Feast of the Immaculate Conception Mass (led by the 4th Grade Class)–All are welcome
- Dec. 9: Middle School Free Dress
- Dec. 10: Speech Tournament at Blanchet
- Dec. 12: Parish Dinner for our Neighbors in Need
- Dec. 15: Christmas Pageant at 1:15pm and 6:30pm
- Dec. 16: Christmas PJ Day
- Dec. 16: Noon Dismissal
Have a great week everyone.