It is important to ask your children the health screen questions everyday before school. If you will be attending any socially distance events in the upcoming weeks it is also important to ask the questions.
Do you have any of the following symptoms that are not caused by another condition? [On the first day after a break, please ask about the past 3 days 72 hours).]
- Fever (100.4°F) or chills
- Cough
- Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
- Unusual fatigue
- Muscle or body aches
- Headache
- Recent loss of taste or smell
- Sore throat
- Congestion or runny nose
- Nausea or vomiting
- Diarrhea
- Within the past 14 days have you been in close contact with anyone with confirmed COVID-19? Contact is being 6 feet (2 meters) or closer for more than 15 minutes with a person.
- Have you had a positive COVID-19 test for active virus in the past 10 days?
- Within the past 14 days, has a public health or medical professional told you to self-monitor, self-isolate, or self-quarantine because of concerns about COVID-19 infection?