Yesterday at our Prayer Assembly, we lit the Advent wreath and sang our traditional Advent Song as we welcomed this holy season. Each morning from now until Christmas break, we will gather in the main hallway of the school and have our Advent celebration. Each day a 7th grader will share a personal reflection on a blessing in his/her life. Seeing the innocence and reverence in the eyes of our students as they anticipate the coming of Our Lord Jesus, cannot help but put us in the spirit of Christmas. Please feel free to join us in our crowded main hallway on any Tuesday through Friday. We will continue to light the wreath at our Prayer Assemblies too. It is not to be missed.
Our theme for this year is “Taken, Blessed, Broken, Given”. Since the beginning of the year we have been focusing on “Taken” and now we move on to, “Blessed” during the Advent/Christmas season. In the lobby to Banchero Hall we will have the words, “We Are Blessed” hung on the wall where students and teachers from each class have added ways in which they feel they are blessed. It will be hung up by the end of the week. Stop by and take a look at the multitude of ways so many of us are blessed.
This week we join tens of millions of students worldwide participating in an “Hour of Code” during Computer Science Education Week. Each class will spend up to an hour learning the basics of code. Programming literacy is an important and increasing skill needed by students as they progress through school. Currently, computer-programming jobs are growing at 2X the national average. 71% of all US jobs require digital skills. And high-skilled computing occupations are the fastest-growing, best-paying, and now the largest sector of all new wages in the US. The interactive and educational programs will expose our students to the ease and enjoyment of writing code. For more information go to:
Next Tuesday, December 11th, our first trimester report cards will be coming home. Report cards are meant to communicate progress up to this point in the year. This is a great time for you to sit down with your child and reflect on growth and set new goals for the new trimester. We are really excited for all of the learning opportunities ahead for our students through the remainder of this year.
Please mark your calendars for next Wednesday, December 12th when we will be having our all-school Mass at 8:45am celebrating the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe. The fifth grade class has been preparing the readings and a short program on the history of the Virgin Mary’s appearance to Juan Diego on Tepeyac Hill outside of Mexico City. Please join us.
Have a great week!