For the third time this year, I got to put up my feet and turn the reigns of the school over to our Principal for the Day. Thanks to her generous bid at this year’s auction, Mrs. Carol Yund, with a tiara and sash, became our “Princess-pal”. She spent her day reading a story to the eighth graders, teaching an earth day lesson to the seventh graders, sharing poetry with the sixth graders, and popping in and out of other rooms with trivia and games to brighten their day. Thank you Mrs. Yund for an exciting and educational day.
Last Thursday, our eighth graders spent their day at Northwest Harvest packing over 4,400 pounds of pasta for those in need. And back at school, final preparations were being put in place for the launch of our school/parish service project, “Hope and Healing”. Our students are fulfilling our Student Learning expectations of being Active Person of Faith and Globally Aware individuals.
As you heard at last weekend’s Masses, students explained the “Hope and Healing” project. With a goal of bringing hope to those in need and healing to those dealing with cancer, the idea of offering prayers and alms-giving to organizations whose mission is helping others was envisioned. The beneficiaries of the service project will be our parish organization, Martha’s Workers, and the Seattle Cancer Care Alliance. Please see the attached for more information on the project.
Thank you to our Scrip program for providing the funds to bring the 5th Ave Theatre production of “Rosie the Riveter” to school today. Students from Kindergarten to eighth grade enjoyed the professional musical performance detailing WWII and the trailblazing women who joined the workforce and stood up for their rights when the men marched off to war. With music from 1940s swing, jazz and blues, the show brought history to life.
Finally, a reminder that tomorrow, Wednesday, April 25th we have a noon dismissal for the faculty to continue work on our Accreditation Self-Study. We will be focusing on finalizing our goals for school improvement to be detailed in the document’s Action Plan. We are getting close to completing the Self-Study and hope to have it ready to go to the printer this summer.
Have a great week.